The CWP support portal can be found under the URL: is the main point of contact between clients and our support team, here you can raise tickets, view your ticket history, access our Knowledgebase and community forums.
the home page:

The homepage is the first page you will see when you open the support portal, here you can see recent topics and you will have a search bar that allows you to search our community and forums for knowledgebase articles and community forum posts.
My Area:
My Area is an area that allows you to submit tickets and view your previous ticketing history, to access your area you will first need an account and you will need to sign into the portal, this can be done from the sign in page which you can access either by navigating to the sig in tab or if you are not logged in you will be redirected here when you try to access My Area.
if you have an account you will need to enter your username and password on the sign in form to log in.
Once logged in you will be able to see My Area, here you can see your tickets and filter them by status such as tickets that are open, closed or on hold. you will also have the option to open a ticket with our support staff or add a topic on the community forums.
Knowledge Base:
Here you can view KB articles on frequently asked questions or topics.
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